
Monday, 31 July 2017

Social Studies Reflection, Melissa

Social Studies Reflection 31.07.2017

In Term 2 we conducted a Human Rights social inquiry on Rights of Freedom in North Korea.

The main causes of the Rights of Freedom being taken from the people of North Korea is because of the current Dictator, Kim Jong Un. The rules that are created for the country are very strict.

The consequences of breaking either of the rules that apply for living in North Korea is punishment. Because there freedom is taken by the strict rules they have, people are often tortured, sent away to work for their punishments, & some people are killed.

Yeomni Park was fortunate enough to escape North Korea with her mother. Her Father unfortunately died on their journey to escape. Her perspective as she spoke about her fear of when she lived in North Korea summarised to a conclusion of an awful country. Things that happen there won’t happen in a normal life of living in a developed country. In her speech about her life she spoke about making a change for the country, She encourages all the people in North Korea to make a change also and stand up for themselves.

I think that the government of North Korea, Kim Jong un for certain are too strict on the people of North Korea. A lot of punishments are given for unnecessary reasons and the North Koreans cannot really do much to stop the government, except to protest for themselves (which most likely leads to killings, etc.) or secretly escape the country. To help the country we can help spread awareness, start fighting campaigns that will help provide stuff for people suffering in North Korea and many other things.

Monday, 19 June 2017

North Korea - Human Rights, Melissa

1. Identify a HUMAN RIGHTS issues that is currently impacting people and places in the    world.  
We will conduct a Social Inquiry on the Human Rights issue of No Freedom of Movement. Our case study will focus on the country of North Korea.

2.You must write an introduction, describing the issue, where it is happening and who is affected by it!
Introduction : The Human Rights issue that we will be researching is “ The right to freedom of movement or travel as they wish“  The reason why we have chosen this topic is because we believe that everyone has the right to travel wherever they want freely, without any of the Government’s concern/permission and also without feeling the need to fear because of being rejected, where they could be abused, tortured and even put up for execution. We also believe that everyone should be treated equally and fairly, many parts of North Korea people are treated disrespectfully and are left to starve with no help from the government.

Tuesday, 30 May 2017

Tobacco affects on Hauora, Melissa

Tobacco Affects on Hauora

During health we had to section different affects people have when they smoke Tobacco according to the different Hauora categories.

Tuesday, 7 March 2017

Melissa - Well-being

Last week in Health our class had to create a PowToon about the four falls of our well-being.

  • Taha Whanau, 
  • Taha Hinegaro, 
  • Taha Wairua 
  • Taha Tinana. 
We had to explain what things we do daily and quite often, to how they effect each of the four well being contents. Here's the HnF PowToon I created, Take a look! :)

Thursday, 2 March 2017

Melissa - Cells, Living & Non-Living things

This term in Science we are learning about Living & Non-living things and Cells. The way cells function, the way they're structured & how they move, where they're located, all of that stuff.

In the cell system of a human, altogether there are 6 cell organelles. A Cell membrane, Cell wall, Nucleus, Cytoplasm, Mitochondria & Vacuole. The structure of most cells are shaped in a Bean form. With curvy outsides, floating around in the liquid of Cytoplasm within the Cell organelle. Cytoplasm is a watery jelly substance that contains chemicals and nutrients inside. The cell organelles are held together by the Cytoplasm which is one of the Cytoplasm's main functions. All cells function a different way and take have different strengths. They lay in all living things, because it takes a big role in keeping us alive.

Living things have 7 characteristics.

  • Movement, every living thing moves. We're either moving ourselves using our brain and mind signals or like plants, are being forced to move by the weather or someone playing around with it. 
  • Respiration, Respiration is burning food to obtain energy which we do when we eat.
  • Sensitivity, when we react to the things around us. Just like the 5 senses us humans have. 
  • Growth, 
  • Reproduction means to create things. Adults create babies & plants create food.
  • Excretion, is the process of waste removal from the body.
  • & Nutrition, When we obtain food in order to grow. 
 Non-Living things show one or two of these but do not show all.

Tuesday, 21 February 2017

My E-Portfolio, Blog & The year 10 DigiTech Google+ community

My E - Portfolio is going to be used to visually showcase the work that I will be doing in Technology this year. My Blog will be used to reflect on my learning in Technology. The year 10 DigiTech Google+ community will be used to collaborate with other students about the work that we complete in DigiTech.

We will be developing a game relating to Sustainability. We have been trialling a game to learn new skills in scratch.

Three Skills I have learn't in Scratch so far include:

  • I'v learn't how to code
  • How to make Sprites
  • How to make Backdrops